DrawFrameControlStates (user32)
Last changed: anonymous

TODO - a short description of this collection of constants

C# Constants:

    /// <summary>
    /// The initial state of the frame control.
    /// </summary>
    public enum DrawFrameControlStates : uint
        // =====================================================================================
        // If uType is DFC_BUTTON, uState can be one of the following values.
        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Check box
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Image for radio button (nonsquare needs image)
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Mask for radio button (nonsquare needs mask)
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Radio button
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Three-state button
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_BUTTON3STATE = 8,
        /// <summary>
        /// Push button
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_BUTTONPUSH = 0x10,
        // =====================================================================================
        // If uType is DFC_CAPTION, uState can be one of the following values.
        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Close button
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Minimize button
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_CAPTIONMIN = 1,
        /// <summary>
        /// Maximize button
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_CAPTIONMAX = 2,
        /// <summary>
        /// Restore button
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Help button
        /// </summary>
        // =====================================================================================
        // If uType is DFC_MENU, uState can be one of the following values.
        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Submenu arrow
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_MENUARROW = 0,
        /// <summary>
        /// Check mark
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_MENUCHECK = 1,
        /// <summary>
        /// Bullet
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_MENUBULLET = 2,
        /// <summary>
        /// Submenu arrow pointing left. This is used for the right-to-left cascading menus used with right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew.
        /// </summary>
        // =====================================================================================
        // If uType is DFC_SCROLL, uState can be one of the following values.
        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Up arrow of scroll bar
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_SCROLLUP = 0,
        /// <summary>
        /// Down arrow of scroll bar
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_SCROLLDOWN = 1,
        /// <summary>
        /// Left arrow of scroll bar
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_SCROLLLEFT = 2,
        /// <summary>
        /// Right arrow of scroll bar
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Combo box scroll bar
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Size grip in lower-right corner of window
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Size grip in lower-left corner of window. This is used with right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew.
        /// </summary>
        // =====================================================================================
        // The following style can be used to adjust the bounding rectangle of the push button.
        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Bounding rectangle is adjusted to exclude the surrounding edge of the push button.
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_ADJUSTRECT = 0x2000,
        // =====================================================================================
        // One or more of the following values can be used to set the state of the control to be drawn.
        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Button is inactive (grayed).
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_INACTIVE = 0x100,
        /// <summary>
        /// Button is pushed.
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_PUSHED = 0x200,
        /// <summary>
        /// Button is checked.
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_CHECKED = 0x400,
        /// <summary>
        /// The background remains untouched. This flag can only be combined with DFCS_MENUARROWUP or DFCS_MENUARROWDOWN.
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_TRANSPARENT = 0x800,
        /// <summary>
        /// Button is hot-tracked.
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_HOT = 0x1000,
        /// <summary>
        /// Button has a flat border.
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_FLAT = 0x4000,
        /// <summary>
        /// Button has a monochrome border.
        /// </summary>
        DFCS_MONO = 0x8000

Alternative Managed API:


Tips & Tricks:

// undocumented DrawFrameControl styles

#define DFCS_MENUARROWUP 0x0008 /* scroll menu up */

#define DFCS_MENUARROWDOWN 0x0010 /* scroll menu down */

#define DFCS_INMENU 0x0040 /* modifier for DFC_MENU as captionbtn drawn in systemmenu */

#define DFCS_INSMALL 0x0080 /* modifier for DFC_MENU as captionbtn for WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW */


but I can't see any differences in drawing of the buttons so prob' haven't got any meaning in Windows.

The buttons are drawn by vectors so to draw a "menu" close icon simply draw a DFCS_CAPTIONCLOSE button with the size of SM_CXMENUCHECK/SM_CYMENUCHECK.

Sample Code:
