CreatePopupMenu (user32)
Last changed:


C# Signature:

static extern IntPtr CreatePopupMenu();

User-Defined Types:




Tips & Tricks:

Please add some!

Sample Code:

    public class BatchResultContextMenu: IShellExtInit, IContextMenu
        #region Protected Members
        protected const string guid = "{6B3A1F0C-C382-40d6-AA13-33B0AB46EEAA}";
        protected string m_fileName;
        protected uint m_hDrop = 0;

        #region IContextMenu
        // IContextMenu
        int    IContextMenu.QueryContextMenu(uint hMenu, uint iMenu, int idCmdFirst, int idCmdLast, uint uFlags)
            // Create the popup to insert
            uint hmnuPopup = Helpers.CreatePopupMenu();

            int id = 1;
            if ( (uFlags & 0xf) == 0 || (uFlags & (uint)CMF.CMF_EXPLORE) != 0)
                uint nselected = Helpers.DragQueryFile(m_hDrop, 0xffffffff, null, 0);
                if (nselected == 1)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
                    Helpers.DragQueryFile(m_hDrop, 0, sb, sb.Capacity + 1);
                    m_fileName = sb.ToString();

                    // Populate the popup menu with file-specific items
                    id = PopulateMenu(hmnuPopup, idCmdFirst+ id);

                // Add the popup to the context menu
                MENUITEMINFO mii = new MENUITEMINFO();
                mii.cbSize = 48;
                mii.fMask = (uint) MIIM.TYPE | (uint)MIIM.STATE | (uint) MIIM.SUBMENU;
                mii.hSubMenu = (int) hmnuPopup;
                mii.fType = (uint) MF.STRING;
                mii.dwTypeData = "Actions";
                mii.fState = (uint) MF.ENABLED;
                Helpers.InsertMenuItem(hMenu, (uint)iMenu, 1, ref mii);

                // Add a separator
                MENUITEMINFO sep = new MENUITEMINFO();
                sep.cbSize = 48;
                sep.fMask = (uint )MIIM.TYPE;
                sep.fType = (uint) MF.SEPARATOR;
                Helpers.InsertMenuItem(hMenu, iMenu+1, 1, ref sep);

            return id;

        void AddMenuItem(uint hMenu, string text, int id, uint position)
            MENUITEMINFO mii = new MENUITEMINFO();
            mii.cbSize = 48;
            mii.fMask = (uint)MIIM.ID | (uint)MIIM.TYPE | (uint)MIIM.STATE;
            mii.wID    = id;
            mii.fType = (uint)MF.STRING;
            mii.dwTypeData    = text;
            mii.fState = (uint)MF.ENABLED;
            Helpers.InsertMenuItem(hMenu, position, 1, ref mii);

        int PopulateMenu(uint hMenu, int id)
            // Grab some info about the file
            bool done = ProcessBatchResults();

            if (done)
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Reschedule", id, 0);
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Retry Now", ++id, 1);
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Cancel", ++id, 2);
                // Uses 100-baed values to distinguish on the "done" status
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Commit", 100 + id, 0);
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Rollback", 100 + (++id), 1);

            return id++;

        bool ProcessBatchResults()
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(m_fileName);
            return (fi.Length >0);

        void IContextMenu.GetCommandString(int idCmd, uint uFlags, int pwReserved, StringBuilder commandString, int cchMax)
            case (uint)GCS.VERB:
                commandString = new StringBuilder("...");
            case (uint)GCS.HELPTEXT:
                commandString = new StringBuilder("...");

        void IContextMenu.InvokeCommand (IntPtr pici)
                Type typINVOKECOMMANDINFO = Type.GetType("ShellExt.INVOKECOMMANDINFO");
                INVOKECOMMANDINFO ici = (INVOKECOMMANDINFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pici, typINVOKECOMMANDINFO);
                switch (ici.verb-1)
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                    case 100:
                    case 101:

        #region IShellExtInit
        int    IShellExtInit.Initialize (IntPtr pidlFolder, IntPtr lpdobj, uint hKeyProgID)
                if (lpdobj != (IntPtr)0)
                    // Get info about the directory
                    IDataObject dataObject = (IDataObject)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(lpdobj);
                    FORMATETC fmt = new FORMATETC();
                    fmt.cfFormat = CLIPFORMAT.CF_HDROP;
                    fmt.ptd         = 0;
                    fmt.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT;
                    fmt.lindex     = -1;
                    fmt.tymed     = TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL;
                    STGMEDIUM medium = new STGMEDIUM();
                    dataObject.GetData(ref fmt, ref medium);
                    m_hDrop = medium.hGlobal;
            return 0;


        #region Private Members
        private    void CancelJob()
            MessageBox.Show("Gotta cancel the job", Path.GetFileName(m_fileName));
        private    void RescheduleJob()
            MessageBox.Show("Gotta reschedule the job", Path.GetFileName(m_fileName));
        private    void RetryNowJob()
            MessageBox.Show("Gotta retry the job NOW", Path.GetFileName(m_fileName));
        private    void CommitJob()
            MessageBox.Show("Gotta commit the job", Path.GetFileName(m_fileName));
        private    void RollbackJob()
            MessageBox.Show("Gotta rollback the job", Path.GetFileName(m_fileName));

        #region Registration
        public static void RegisterServer(String str1)
                // For Winnt set me as an approved shellex
                RegistryKey root;
                RegistryKey rk;
                root = Registry.LocalMachine;
                rk = root.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Shell Extensions\\Approved", true);
                rk.SetValue(guid.ToString(), "BatchResults shell extension");

                // Set "Folder\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\BatchResults" regkey to my guid
                root = Registry.ClassesRoot;
                rk = root.CreateSubKey("POPUPTEST\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\BatchResults");
                rk.SetValue("", guid.ToString());
            catch(Exception e)

        public static void UnregisterServer(String str1)
                RegistryKey root;
                RegistryKey rk;

                // Remove ShellExtenstions registration
                root = Registry.LocalMachine;
                rk = root.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Shell Extensions\\Approved", true);

                // Delete  regkey
                root = Registry.ClassesRoot;
            catch(Exception e)


public class Helpers
    public const uint WM_DRAWITEM = 0x002b;
    public const uint WM_MEASUREITEM = 0x002c;

    internal static extern uint DragQueryFile(uint hDrop, uint iFile, StringBuilder buffer, int cch);

    internal static extern HMenu CreatePopupMenu();

    internal static extern bool InsertMenuItem(HMenu hmenu, uint uposition, uint uflags, ref MENUITEMINFO mii);

    internal static extern bool AppendMenu(HMenu hmenu, MFMENU uflags, IntPtr uIDNewItemOrSubmenu, string text);

    internal static extern bool InsertMenu(HMenu hmenu, int position, MFMENU uflags, IntPtr uIDNewItemOrSubmenu, string text);

    internal static extern int SetMenuItemBitmaps(HMenu hmenu, int nPosition, MFMENU uflags, IntPtr hBitmapUnchecked, IntPtr hBitmapChecked);