UnRegisterTypeLib (oleaut32)
Last changed: MDell-

TODO - a short description

C# Signature:

[DllImport("oleaut32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
static extern TODO UnRegisterTypeLib(TODO);
static extern TODO UnRegisterTypeLib(TODO);

Possible VB.Net Signatures:

Declare Function UnRegisterTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" (TODO) As TODO   ???
Declare Function UnRegisterTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" (LibID As System.GUID, ByVal nVerMajor As Short, ByVal nVerMinor As Short, ByVal lCID As Integer, ByVal tSysKind As System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND) As Integer

VB 6 Signature:

Declare Function UnRegisterTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" (LibID As tGUID, ByVal nVerMajor As Integer, ByVal nVerMinor As Integer, ByVal lCID As Long, ByVal tSysKind As eSYSKIND) As Long

User-Defined Types:

Type tGUID
    Data1 As Long
    Data2 As Integer
    Data3 As Integer
    Data4(0 To 7) As Byte
End Type

    SYS_WIN16 = 0&
    SYS_WIN32 = 1&
    SYS_MAC = 2&
    SYS_WIN64 = 3&
End Enum


Alternative Managed API:

Do you know one? Please contribute it!



Tips & Tricks:

Please add some!

Sample Code:

    Private Declare Unicode Function LoadTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal TLpszModule As String, ByRef TPpTypeLib As ComTypes.ITypeLib2) As Integer
    Private Declare Unicode Function RegisterTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal ptlib As ComTypes.ITypeLib2, ByVal szFullPath As String, ByVal szHelpDir As String) As Integer
    Private Declare Unicode Function UnRegisterTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByRef LibID As System.Guid, ByVal nVerMajor As Short, ByVal nVerMinor As Short, ByVal lCID As Integer, ByVal tSysKind As ComTypes.SYSKIND) As Integer

    Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Short = 0

    Public Function RegisterTLib(ByVal strFile As String, ByVal bRegister As Boolean) As Boolean
    Dim nResult As Integer
    Dim TLB As ComTypes.ITypeLib2 = Nothing
    Dim tlbAttrPtr As IntPtr
    Dim tlbAttr As ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR

    On Error Resume Next

    If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(strFile) = False Then
        RegisterTLib = False
        nResult = LoadTypeLib(strFile, TLB)

        If nResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        If bRegister Then
            nResult = RegisterTypeLib(TLB, strFile, Nothing)

            If nResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then 'success
            RegisterTLib = true
            Else 'failure
            RegisterTLib = False
            End If
            tlbAttr = CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(tlbAttrPtr, GetType(ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR)), ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR)

            nResult = UnRegisterTypeLib(tlbAttr.guid, tlbAttr.wMajorVerNum, tlbAttr.wMinorVerNum, tlbAttr.lcid, tlbAttr.syskind)
            tlbAttr = Nothing

            If nResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then 'success
            RegisterTLib = True
            Else 'failure
            RegisterTLib = False
            End If
        End If
        Else ' error loading the TypeLibrary file
        RegisterTLib = False
        End If
    End If
    End Function
