MsiInstallProduct (msi)
Last changed: -

The MsiInstallProduct function installs or uninstalls a product.

C# Signature:

[DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError=true)]
static extern UInt32 MsiInstallProduct(string packagePath, string commandLine);

VB Signature:

Declare Function MsiInstallProduct Lib "msi.dll" (packagePath As String, commandLine As String) As UInt32

User-Defined Types:


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A null-terminated string that specifies the path to the location of the Windows Installer package. The string value can contain a URL (e.g. http://packageLocation/package/package.msi), a network path (e.g. \\packageLocation\package.msi), a file path (e.g. file://packageLocation/package.msi), or a local path (e.g. D:\packageLocation\package.msi).


A null-terminated string that specifies the command line property settings. This should be a list of the format Property=Setting Property=Setting. For more information, see About Properties.

To perform an administrative installation, include ACTION=ADMIN in szCommandLine. For more information, see the ACTION property.

Return Value
The function completes successfully.

An error relating to an action: For more information, see Error Codes.

Initialization Error: An error that relates to initialization occurred.


The MsiInstallProduct function displays the user interface with the current settings and log mode.

You can change user interface settings by using the MsiSetInternalUI, MsiSetExternalUI, or MsiSetExternalUIRecord functions.

You can set the log mode by using the MsiEnableLog function.

You can completely remove a product by setting REMOVE=ALL in szCommandLine.

Tips & Tricks:

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Sample Code:

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