StrongNameErrorInfo (mscorsn)
Last changed: ShawnFa-


C# Signature:

/// <summary>
///     Return the last error
/// </summary>
/// <returns>error information for the last strong name call</returns>
public extern static int StrongNameErrorInfo()

User-Defined Types:



This function is exported from mscorsn.dll in v1.0 and v1.1 of the .NET framework, but it will be moved to mscorwks.dll in v2.0. There is a shim in mscoree.dll which will redirect to the appropriate implementation dll, which has the same name.

Tips & Tricks:

The results of this function are an HRESULT that can be translated with Marshal.GetExceptionForHR and Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR

Sample Code:

See the sample on Shawn Farkas' blog for a complete sample of using this API: