WNetCancelConnection2 (mpr)
Last changed: -

The WNetCancelConnection2 function cancels an existing network connection. You can also call the function to remove remembered network connections that are not currently connected.

C# Signature:

static extern int WNetCancelConnection2(string lpName, Int32 dwFlags, bool bForce);

VB Signature:

Declare Function WNetCancelConnection2 Lib "mpr.dll" Alias "WNetCancelConnection2A" (ByVal lpName As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal fForce As Long) As Long



<DllImport("mpr.dll")> _

    Shared Function WNetCancelConnection2(ByVal lpName As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal fForce As Long) As Long
    End Function


Tips & Tricks:

The system updates the user profile with the information that the connection is no longer a persistent one if you pass this constant as <dwFlags>

private const int CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE = 0x1;

Sample Code:

public static extern int WNetCancelConnection2(string lpName, Int32 dwFlags, bool fForce);
private const int CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE = 0x1;
private const int NO_ERROR = 0;

int result=WNetCancelConnection2("Y:", CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, true);
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
//handle error

Alternative Managed API:

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