[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern uint QueryDosDevice(string lpDeviceName, IntPtr lpTargetPath, uint ucchMax);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern uint QueryDosDevice(string lpDeviceName, StringBuilder lpTargetPath, int ucchMax);
static extern uint QueryDosDevice([In, Optional] string lpDeviceName, [Out]byte[] rv, uint ucchMax);
<DllImport("Kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="QueryDosDevice")>
Public Shared Function QueryDosDevice(lpDeviceName As String, lpTargetPath As System.Text.StringBuilder, ucchMax As Integer) As Integer
End Function
Use the second signature if you want only the current mapping for the DOS device. The first null-terminated string returned by the function contains the current mapping, and will be automatically read into the StringBuilder.
If you are trying to get a string array of all the Devices on your system, this is the code that I used for this.
Not sure if it's the cleanest... but it works
' Use the VB.NET signature above with this code. Converting the C#
' signatures will not work.
Private Function QueryDosDevice(ByVal device As String) As List(Of String)
Dim returnSize As Integer = 0
Dim maxSize As UInteger = 65536
Dim allDevices As String = Nothing
Dim mem As IntPtr
Dim retval() As String = Nothing
Dim results As New List(Of String)
' Convert an empty string into Nothing, so
' QueryDosDevice will return everything available.
If device.Trim = "" Then device = Nothing
While returnSize = 0
mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(CInt(maxSize))
If mem <> IntPtr.Zero Then
returnSize = CInt(QueryDosDevice(device, mem, maxSize))
If returnSize <> 0 Then
allDevices = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(mem, returnSize)
retval = allDevices.Split(ControlChars.NullChar)
Exit Try
' This query produced no results. Exit the loop.
returnSize = -1
End If
End Try
Throw New OutOfMemoryException()
End If
End While
If retval IsNot Nothing Then
For Each result As String In retval
If result.Trim <> "" Then results.Add(result)
End If
Return results
End Function
private static string[] QueryDosDevice()
// Allocate some memory to get a list of all system devices.
// Start with a small size and dynamically give more space until we have enough room.
int returnSize = 0;
int maxSize = 100;
string allDevices = null;
IntPtr mem;
string [] retval = null;
while(returnSize == 0)
mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(maxSize);
if(mem != IntPtr.Zero)
// mem points to memory that needs freeing
returnSize = QueryDosDevice(null, mem, maxSize);
if(returnSize != 0)
allDevices = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(mem, returnSize);
retval = allDevices.Split('\0');
break; // not really needed, but makes it more clear...
else if(GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
//maybe better
//else if( Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
maxSize *= 10;
throw new OutOfMemoryException();
return retval;
private static string GetRealPath(string path)
string realPath;
StringBuilder pathInformation = new StringBuilder(250);
// Get the drive letter of the
string driveLetter = Path.GetPathRoot(path).Replace("\\", "");
QueryDosDevice(driveLetter, pathInformation, 250);
// If drive is substed, the result will be in the format of "\??\C:\RealPath\".
if (pathInformation.ToString().Contains("\\??\\"))
// Strip the \??\ prefix.
string realRoot = pathInformation.ToString().Remove(0, 4);
//Combine the paths.
realPath = Path.Combine(realRoot, path.Replace(Path.GetPathRoot(path), ""));
realPath = path;
return realPath;
public static string[] QueryDevice(string driveLetter=null)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096*32];
uint len = QueryDosDevice(driveLetter, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length);
if (len == 0)
return null;
string rv = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, (int)len-2); // two terminating nulls
return rv.Split("\0".ToCharArray());
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