BluetoothFindNextDevice (irprops)
Last changed: -

Find the next bluetooth device.

C# Signature:

[DllImport("Irprops.cpl", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool BluetoothFindNextDevice(IntPtr hFind, ref BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO pbtdi);

VB Signature:

    <DllImport("irprops.cpl", setlasterror:=True)> _
    Private Shared Function BluetoothFindNextDevice( _
    ByVal hFind As IntPtr, _
    ByRef pbtdi As BluetoothDeviceInfo) As Integer
    End Function

User-Defined Types:


see BluetoothFindFirstDevice

Alternative Managed API:


First get a handle to a radio (the radio is the local bluetooth device attached to the computer)

Then get the first device (the device is a remote bluetooth device visible to the radio), you also get a hFind.

XP SP1 required.

See the BluetoothAPIs.h file in the platform SDK.

Tips & Tricks:

Please add some!

Sample Code:

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