DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo (dwmapi)
Last changed: RadarNyan@gmail.com-

Retrieves the current composition timing information of DWM.

C# Signature:

    public static extern DWMAPI DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo(IntPtr hwnd, ref DWM_TIMING_INFO pTimingInfo);


The return value type DWMAPI is just a uint, you can replace it with HRESULT as well.

The first parameter hwnd must be set to NULL (IntPtr.Zero) since Windows 8.1,

before Windows 8.1 it works as well so just don't bother and set it to IntPtr.Zero and call it a day.

The second parameter pTimingInfo is a DWM_TIMING_INFO , check it's page for information on how to use it.
