Private Declare Auto Function CreateProcessAsUser Lib "advapi32" (ByVal hToken As IntPtr, ByVal strApplicationName As String, ByVal strCommandLine As String, ByRef lpProcessAttributes as SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, ByRef lpThreadAttributes as SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, ByVal bInheritHandles as Boolean, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Integer, ByVal lpEnvironment As Integer, ByVal lpCurrentDriectory As Integer, ByRef lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, ByRef lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Integer
User-Defined Types:
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The LogonUser function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. The local computer is the computer from which LogonUser was called. You cannot use LogonUser to log on to a remote computer.
12/17/2022 3:26:24 AM - JM-
Creates a new process, using the creditials supplied by hToken. The application opened is running under the credentials and authority for the user supplied to LogonUser.
10/1/2020 1:08:37 PM - -
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM -
An IntPtr is a pointer to a memory location (unmanaged) that adapts to the platform it is running on (64-bit, etc.) UNLIKE a standard int/Integer. You should always use this type for unmanaged calls that require it, even though an int will appear to work on your development machine.
1/13/2008 4:00:13 AM - Damon Carr-
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM -
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM -
ByRef is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY REFERENCE. In other words, the pointer to the variable is passed and any change to its value made within the function or sub will change its value outside the function/sub.
4/25/2007 3:19:29 AM - anonymous
ByRef is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY REFERENCE. In other words, the pointer to the variable is passed and any change to its value made within the function or sub will change its value outside the function/sub.
4/25/2007 3:19:29 AM - anonymous
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM -
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM -
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM -
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM -
ByRef is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY REFERENCE. In other words, the pointer to the variable is passed and any change to its value made within the function or sub will change its value outside the function/sub.
4/25/2007 3:19:29 AM - anonymous
ByRef is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY REFERENCE. In other words, the pointer to the variable is passed and any change to its value made within the function or sub will change its value outside the function/sub.