Last changed: -

TODO - a short description

C# Definition:

using WORD = System.Int16;

using DWORD = System.UInt32;

using WCHAR = System.Char;

using LPCTSTR = System.String;

using LPVOID = System.IntPtr;

using LPTSTR = System.Text.StringBuilder;

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    internal unsafe struct VS_VERSIONINFO
    /// <summary>
    /// The length, in bytes, of the VS_VERSIONINFO structure
    /// </summary>
    internal WORD wLength;

    /// <summary>
    /// The length, in bytes, of the Value member.
    /// </summary>
    internal WORD wValueLength;

    /// <summary>
    /// The type of data in the version resource.
    /// This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data.
    /// </summary>
     internal WORD wType;

    /// <summary>
    /// The Unicode string L"VS_VERSION_INFO".
    /// </summary>
    internal fixed WCHAR szKey[15];

    /// <summary>
    /// Contains as many zero words as necessary to align the Value member on a 32-bit boundary.
    /// </summary>
    internal WORD Padding1;

    /// <summary>
    /// Arbitrary data associated with this VS_VERSIONINFO structure.
    /// </summary>
    internal VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Value;

    /// <summary>
    /// As many zero words as necessary to align the Children member on a 32-bit boundary.
    /// </summary>
    internal WORD Padding2;

    /// <summary>
    /// An array of zero or one StringFileInfo structures,
    /// </summary>
    internal WORD Children;

VB Definition:

Imports WORD = System.Int16

Imports DWORD = System.UInt32

Imports WCHAR = System.Char

Imports LPCTSTR = System.String

Imports LPVOID = System.IntPtr

Imports LPTSTR = System.Text.StringBuilder

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _

Public Structure VS_VERSIONINFO

    '' <summary>
    '' The length, in bytes, of the VS_VERSIONINFO structure
    '' </summary>
    <FieldOffset(0)> _
    Dim wLength As WORD

    '' <summary>
    '' The length, in bytes, of the Value member.
    '' </summary>
    <FieldOffset(2)> _
    Dim wValueLength As WORD

    '' <summary>
    '' The type of data in the version resource.
    '' This member is 1 if the version resource contains text data and 0 if the version resource contains binary data.
    '' </summary>
    <FieldOffset(4)> _
    Dim wType As WORD

    '' <summary>
    '' The Unicode string L"VS_VERSION_INFO".
    '' </summary>
    <FieldOffset(6), VBFixedArray(15 - 1)> _
    Dim szKey() As WCHAR

    '' <summary>
    '' Contains as many zero words as necessary to align the Value member on a 32-bit boundary.
    '' </summary>
    <FieldOffset(36)> _
    Dim Padding1 As WORD

    '' <summary>
    '' Arbitrary data associated with this VS_VERSIONINFO structure.
    '' </summary>
    <FieldOffset(40)> _

    '' <summary>
    '' As many zero words as necessary to align the Children member on a 32-bit boundary.
    '' </summary>
    <FieldOffset(92)> _
    Dim Padding2 As WORD

    '' <summary>
    '' An array of zero or one StringFileInfo structures,
    '' </summary>
    <FieldOffset(94)> _
    Dim Children As WORD

End Structure

User-Defined Field Types:


