KEYBDINPUT (Structures)
Last changed: -

The KEYBDINPUT structure contains information about a simulated keyboard event. It's part of the INPUT structure, and is used for the SendInput function.

C# Definition:

  public ushort wVk;
  public ushort wScan;
  public uint dwFlags;
  public uint time;
  public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;

VB Definition:

    <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)> _
    Private Structure KEYBDINPUT
    Public wVk As Short
    Public wScan As Short
    Public dwFlags As Integer
    Public time As Integer
    Public dwExtraInfo As IntPtr
    End Structure

User-Defined Field Types:



Changed C# definition to use unsigned types (to match WORD and DWORD types). Also made members public.

Using C to dump out the offsets and sizes shows that the full size of an INPUT structure is

28 on x86 and 40 on x64.

The offsets of the KEYBDINPUT structure are (base 10):

x86 x64
000 000 vK
002 002 wScan
004 004 dwFlags
008 008 time
012 016 extraInfo
--- ---
016 024 Total Size of KEYBDINPUT

And remember, the offset of ki in INPUT is 4 on x86 and 8 on x64.

So, a flattened VB.Net declaration that works on both platforms...

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, pack:=1)> _
Private Structure KeyInput
   Public Type As IntPtr  ' INPUT 0
   Public Vk As Short     ' KEYBDINPUT 0
   Public Scan As Short
   Public Flags As Integer
   Public Time As IntPtr
   Public ExtraInfo As IntPtr
   Public Reserved As Int64
End Structure
