[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
/// <summary>
/// Set of flags that determine which members of this structure are being requested.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This will be a combination of the following values:
/// DBIM_MINSIZE ptMinSize is being requested.
/// DBIM_MAXSIZE ptMaxSize is being requested.
/// DBIM_INTEGRAL ptIntegral is being requested.
/// DBIM_ACTUAL ptActual is being requested.
/// DBIM_TITLE wszTitle is being requested.
/// DBIM_MODEFLAGS dwModeFlags is being requested.
/// DBIM_BKCOLOR crBkgnd is being requested.
/// </remarks>
public DBIM dwMask;
/// <summary>
/// Point structure that receives the minimum size of the band object.
/// The minimum width is placed in the x member and the minimum height
/// is placed in the y member.
/// </summary>
public Point ptMinSize;
/// <summary>
/// Point structure that receives the maximum size of the band object.
/// The maximum height is placed in the y member and the x member is ignored.
/// If there is no limit for the maximum height, (LONG)-1 should be used.
/// </summary>
public Point ptMaxSize;
/// <summary>
/// Point structure that receives the sizing step value of the band object.
/// The vertical step value is placed in the y member, and the x member is ignored.
/// The step value determines in what increments the band will be resized.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This member is ignored if dwModeFlags does not contain DBIMF_VARIABLEHEIGHT.
/// </remarks>
public Point ptIntegral;
/// <summary>
/// Point structure that receives the ideal size of the band object.
/// The ideal width is placed in the x member and the ideal height is placed in the y member.
/// The band container will attempt to use these values, but the band is not guaranteed to be this size.
/// </summary>
public Point ptActual;
/// <summary>
/// The title of the band.
/// </summary>
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 255)]
public String wszTitle;
/// <summary>
/// A value that receives a set of flags that define the mode of operation for the band object.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This must be one or a combination of the following values.
/// The band is normal in all respects. The other mode flags modify this flag.
/// The height of the band object can be changed. The ptIntegral member defines the
/// step value by which the band object can be resized.
/// The band object is displayed with a sunken appearance.
/// The band will be displayed with the background color specified in crBkgnd.
/// </remarks>
public DBIMF dwModeFlags;
/// <summary>
/// The background color of the band.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This member is ignored if dwModeFlags does not contain the DBIMF_BKCOLOR flag.
/// </remarks>
public Int32 crBkgnd;
Public TODO
End Structure