DCB (Structures)
Last changed: darlas1@gmail.com-



The DCB structure defines the control setting for a serial communications device.

C# Definition:

// Able to handle C++ BitFlags.

    internal struct Dcb
    internal uint DCBLength;
    internal uint BaudRate;
    private BitVector32 Flags;

    //what about this struct members?
    public uint wReserved;        // not currently used
    public uint XonLim;           // transmit XON threshold
    public uint XoffLim;          // transmit XOFF threshold             

    internal byte ByteSize;
    internal Parity Parity;
    internal StopBits StopBits;

    //and this?
    public char XonChar;          // Tx and Rx XON character
    public char XoffChar;         // Tx and Rx XOFF character
    public char ErrorChar;        // error replacement character
    public char EofChar;          // end of input character
    public char EvtChar;          // received event character
    public uint wReserved1;       // reserved; do not use     

    private static readonly int fBinary;
    private static readonly int fParity;
    private static readonly int fOutxCtsFlow;
    private static readonly int fOutxDsrFlow;
    private static readonly BitVector32.Section fDtrControl;
    private static readonly int fDsrSensitivity;
    private static readonly int fTXContinueOnXoff;
    private static readonly int fOutX;
    private static readonly int fInX;
    private static readonly int fErrorChar;
    private static readonly int fNull;
    private static readonly BitVector32.Section fRtsControl;
    private static readonly int fAbortOnError;

    static Dcb()
        // Create Boolean Mask
        int previousMask;
        fBinary = BitVector32.CreateMask();
        fParity = BitVector32.CreateMask(fBinary);
        fOutxCtsFlow = BitVector32.CreateMask(fParity);
        fOutxDsrFlow = BitVector32.CreateMask(fOutxCtsFlow);
        previousMask = BitVector32.CreateMask(fOutxDsrFlow);
        previousMask = BitVector32.CreateMask(previousMask);
        fDsrSensitivity = BitVector32.CreateMask(previousMask);
        fTXContinueOnXoff = BitVector32.CreateMask(fDsrSensitivity);
        fOutX = BitVector32.CreateMask(fTXContinueOnXoff);
        fInX = BitVector32.CreateMask(fOutX);
        fErrorChar = BitVector32.CreateMask(fInX);
        fNull = BitVector32.CreateMask(fErrorChar);
        previousMask = BitVector32.CreateMask(fNull);
        previousMask = BitVector32.CreateMask(previousMask);
        fAbortOnError = BitVector32.CreateMask(previousMask);

        // Create section Mask
        BitVector32.Section previousSection;
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, previousSection);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, previousSection);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, previousSection);
        fDtrControl = BitVector32.CreateSection(2, previousSection);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, fDtrControl);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, previousSection);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, previousSection);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, previousSection);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, previousSection);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, previousSection);
        fRtsControl = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, previousSection);
        previousSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, fRtsControl);

    public bool Binary
        get { return Flags[fBinary]; }
        set { Flags[fBinary] = value; }

    public bool CheckParity
        get { return Flags[fParity]; }
        set { Flags[fParity] = value; }

    public bool OutxCtsFlow
        get { return Flags[fOutxCtsFlow]; }
        set { Flags[fOutxCtsFlow] = value; }

    public bool OutxDsrFlow
        get { return Flags[fOutxDsrFlow]; }
        set { Flags[fOutxDsrFlow]  = value; }

    public DtrControl DtrControl
        get { return (DtrControl)Flags[fDtrControl]; }
        set { Flags[fDtrControl] = (int)value; }

    public bool DsrSensitivity
        get { return Flags[fDsrSensitivity]; }
        set { Flags[fDsrSensitivity] = value; }

    public bool TxContinueOnXoff
        get { return Flags[fTXContinueOnXoff]; }
        set { Flags[fTXContinueOnXoff] = value; }

    public bool OutX
        get { return Flags[fOutX]; }
        set { Flags[fOutX] = value; }

    public bool InX
        get { return Flags[fInX]; }
        set { Flags[fInX] = value; }

    public bool ReplaceErrorChar
        get { return Flags[fErrorChar]; }
        set { Flags[fErrorChar] = value; }

    public bool Null
        get { return Flags[fNull]; }
        set { Flags[fNull] = value; }

    public RtsControl RtsControl
        get { return (RtsControl)Flags[fRtsControl]; }
        set { Flags[fRtsControl]  = (int)value; }

    public bool AbortOnError
        get { return Flags[fAbortOnError]; }
        set { Flags[fAbortOnError] = value; }

VB Definition:

Structure DCB
   Public TODO
End Structure

User-Defined Field Types:



Special thanks to Jay's Outlook MVP from Visual C# Community for the guidance.

fDtrControl = BitVector32.CreateSection(2, previousSection);

fRtsControl = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, previousSection);

You will notice that fDtrControl expects 2 and fRtsControl expect 3. Why?

The reason is that the highest value within enum DtrControl is 2, and highest valye within enum RtsControl is 3.

This helps you to fix the bitflag issue in c to c#. I had tested it and it works greatly.

To use this code,



Dcb myDcb = new Dcb();

myDcb.Binary = true;

myDcb.DtrControl = DtrControl.Disable; // DtrControl is an enum
