IContextMenu (Interfaces)
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This interface is called by the Shell to either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object.

C# Definition:

    public interface IContextMenu
        int QueryContextMenu(
            uint hMenu,
            uint indexMenu,
            int idCmdFirst,
            int idCmdLast,
            uint uFlags);

        void InvokeCommand(IntPtr pici);

        void GetCommandString(
            int idcmd,
            uint uflags,
            int reserved,
            StringBuilder commandstring,
            int cch);


I found that GetCommandString gave me problems when defining the variable commandstring as a StringBuilder. (It had an unexplainable limit of 16 characters.) I found that by changing my definition to IntPtr, and then copying a string into this pointer by using lstrcpy works for the true buffer size designated by cch.