IContextMenu (Interfaces)
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This interface is called by the Shell to either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object.

C# Definition:

    public    interface IContextMenu
        // IContextMenu methods
        int    QueryContextMenu(uint hmenu, uint iMenu, int idCmdFirst, int idCmdLast, uint uFlags);
        void    InvokeCommand (IntPtr pici);
        void    GetCommandString(int idcmd, uint uflags, int reserved,            
        IntPtr commandstring, int cch);

How to set Command String ? I Use (Am I right ?)

        private void MemCopy(IntPtr source, IntPtr dest, int cch)
            byte[] buff = new byte[cch];
            Marshal.Copy(source, buff, 0, cch);
            Marshal.Copy(buff, 0, dest, cch);

        private void WriteStringToPtrUnicode(IntPtr dest, string str, int cch)
            IntPtr tempStrPtr = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(str);
            MemCopy(tempStrPtr, dest, cch);

public void GetCommandString(int idcmd, uint uflags, int reserved, IntPtr commandstring, int cch)

            if (uflags == (uint)GCS.HELPTEXTW)

                    case 0:

                        WriteStringToPtrUnicode(commandstring, "My help string", cch);