PenStyle (Enums)
Last changed: anonymous

TODO - a short description

C# Definition:

private enum PenStyle : int
    PS_SOLID    = 0, //The pen is solid.
    PS_DASH     = 1, //The pen is dashed.
    PS_DOT      = 2, //The pen is dotted.
    PS_DASHDOT      = 3, //The pen has alternating dashes and dots.
    PS_DASHDOTDOT       = 4, //The pen has alternating dashes and double dots.
    PS_NULL     = 5, //The pen is invisible.
    PS_INSIDEFRAME      = 6,// Normally when the edge is drawn, it’s centred on the outer edge meaning that half the width of the pen is drawn
        // outside the shape’s edge, half is inside the shape’s edge. When PS_INSIDEFRAME is specified the edge is drawn
        //completely inside the outer edge of the shape.
    PS_USERSTYLE    = 7,
    PS_ALTERNATE    = 8,
    PS_STYLE_MASK       = 0x0000000F,

    PS_ENDCAP_ROUND     = 0x00000000,
    PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE    = 0x00000100,
    PS_ENDCAP_FLAT      = 0x00000200,
    PS_ENDCAP_MASK      = 0x00000F00,

    PS_JOIN_ROUND       = 0x00000000,
    PS_JOIN_BEVEL       = 0x00001000,
    PS_JOIN_MITER       = 0x00002000,
    PS_JOIN_MASK    = 0x0000F000,

    PS_COSMETIC     = 0x00000000,
    PS_GEOMETRIC    = 0x00010000,
    PS_TYPE_MASK    = 0x000F0000

VB Definition:

Private Enum PenStyle as integer
    PS_SOLID = 0
    'The pen is solid.
    PS_DASH = 1
    'The pen is dashed.
    PS_DOT = 2
    'The pen is dotted.
    PS_DASHDOT = 3
    'The pen has alternating dashes and dots.
    'The pen has alternating dashes and double dots.
    PS_NULL = 5
    'The pen is invisible.
    ' Normally when the edge is drawn, it’s centred on the outer edge meaning that half the width of the pen is drawn
    ' outside the shape’s edge, half is inside the shape’s edge. When PS_INSIDEFRAME is specified the edge is drawn
    'completely inside the outer edge of the shape.

    PS_ENDCAP_FLAT = &H200
    PS_ENDCAP_MASK = &Hf00

    PS_JOIN_BEVEL = &H1000
    PS_JOIN_MITER = &H2000
    PS_JOIN_MASK = &Hf000

    PS_GEOMETRIC = &H10000
    PS_TYPE_MASK = &Hf0000
End Enum



PenStyle on MSDN