Last changed: anonymous

TODO - a short description

C# Definition:

    // If no flags are specified (GPS_DEFAULT), a read-only property store is returned that includes properties for the file or item.
    // In the case that the shell item is a file, the property store contains:
    //     1. properties about the file from the file system
    //     2. properties from the file itself provided by the file's property handler, unless that file is offline,
    //     see GPS_OPENSLOWITEM
    //     3. if requested by the file's property handler and supported by the file system, properties stored in the
    //     alternate property store.
    // Non-file shell items should return a similar read-only store
    // Specifying other GPS_ flags modifies the store that is returned
    GPS_DEFAULT = 0x00000000,
    GPS_HANDLERPROPERTIESONLY = 0x00000001,   // only include properties directly from the file's property handler
    GPS_READWRITE = 0x00000002,   // Writable stores will only include handler properties
    GPS_TEMPORARY = 0x00000004,   // A read/write store that only holds properties for the lifetime of the IShellItem object
    GPS_FASTPROPERTIESONLY = 0x00000008,   // do not include any properties from the file's property handler (because the file's property handler will hit the disk)
    GPS_OPENSLOWITEM = 0x00000010,   // include properties from a file's property handler, even if it means retrieving the file from offline storage.
    GPS_DELAYCREATION = 0x00000020,   // delay the creation of the file's property handler until those properties are read, written, or enumerated
    GPS_BESTEFFORT = 0x00000040,   // For readonly stores, succeed and return all available properties, even if one or more sources of properties fails. Not valid with GPS_READWRITE.
    GPS_NO_OPLOCK = 0x00000080,   // some data sources protect the read property store with an oplock, this disables that
    GPS_MASK_VALID = 0x000000FF,


