You are about to create a new page called getoemcp in the kernel32 module.
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Click on a subject for more information about formatting rules:
A line that starts with a wiki word and a colon identifies a property. The value
of the property is everything on the line after the colon. Multiline properties
use PropertyName:[ and then multiple lines and then ] on a blank line to mark the
Any URL that ends with .gif, .jpeg, .jpg or .png will be turned into an image tag
to display the actual image.
Any line that starts with at least one space will be fixed-width formatted. Good
for code and simple tables.
Start a line with a tab (or 8 spaces) followed by a star '*'. Two tabs (or 16 spaces)
indents to the next level, etc. For ordered lists, use '1.' instead of '*'
Four hyphens makes a horizontal rule.
Surround the text with three ticks ('''). For example, '''this text will be bold'''
Surround the text with two ticks (''). For example, ''this text will be italic''
Bang (!) at the start of a line for H1. Bang Bang (!!) at the start of a line for
H2. And so on...
Any PascalCased word becomes a link. Surrounding a word with square brackets [ word
] will make non-pascalcased words into links; generally this is considered 'odd'.
Any URL becomes a link (
All the common emoticons like :-) and :-( are turned into the apprpriate graphical
images (like in messenger).
A line that starts and ends with || is a table row. Cells are divided by ||. For
||Region || Sales||
||East || $100||
||West || $100||