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ShutdownReason (Enums)
Defines the Shutdown reason for the user32.ExitWindowsEx method
C# Definition:
enum ShutdownReason
MajorApplication = 0x00040000,
MajorHardware = 0x00010000,
MajorLegacyApi = 0x00070000,
MajorOperatingSystem = 0x00020000,
MajorOther = 0x00000000,
MajorPower = 0x00060000,
MajorSoftware = 0x00030000,
MajorSystem = 0x00050000,
MinorBlueScreen = 0x0000000F,
MinorCordUnplugged = 0x0000000b,
MinorDisk = 0x00000007,
MinorEnvironment = 0x0000000c,
MinorHardwareDriver = 0x0000000d,
MinorHotfix = 0x00000011,
MinorHung = 0x00000005,
MinorInstallation = 0x00000002,
MinorMaintenance = 0x00000001,
MinorMMC = 0x00000019,
MinorNetworkConnectivity = 0x00000014,
MinorNetworkCard = 0x00000009,
MinorOther = 0x00000000,
MinorOtherDriver = 0x0000000e,
MinorPowerSupply = 0x0000000a,
MinorProcessor = 0x00000008,
MinorReconfig = 0x00000004,
MinorSecurity = 0x00000013,
MinorSecurityFix = 0x00000012,
MinorSecurityFixUninstall = 0x00000018,
MinorServicePack = 0x00000010,
MinorServicePackUninstall = 0x00000016,
MinorTermSrv = 0x00000020,
MinorUnstable = 0x00000006,
MinorUpgrade = 0x00000003,
MinorWMI = 0x00000015,
FlagUserDefined = 0x40000000,
FlagPlanned = 0x80000000
VB Definition:
Enum ShutdownReason
MajorApplication = 0x00040000
MajorHardware = 0x00010000
MajorLegacyApi = 0x00070000
MajorOperatingSystem = 0x00020000
MajorOther = 0x00000000
MajorPower = 0x00060000
MajorSoftware = 0x00030000
MajorSystem = 0x00050000
MinorBlueScreen = 0x0000000F
MinorCordUnplugged = 0x0000000b
MinorDisk = 0x00000007
MinorEnvironment = 0x0000000c
MinorHardwareDriver = 0x0000000d
MinorHotfix = 0x00000011
MinorHung = 0x00000005
MinorInstallation = 0x00000002
MinorMaintenance = 0x00000001
MinorMMC = 0x00000019
MinorNetworkConnectivity = 0x00000014
MinorNetworkCard = 0x00000009
MinorOther = 0x00000000
MinorOtherDriver = 0x0000000e
MinorPowerSupply = 0x0000000a
MinorProcessor = 0x00000008
MinorReconfig = 0x00000004
MinorSecurity = 0x00000013
MinorSecurityFix = 0x00000012
MinorSecurityFixUninstall = 0x00000018
MinorServicePack = 0x00000010
MinorServicePackUninstall = 0x00000016
MinorTermSrv = 0x00000020
MinorUnstable = 0x00000006
MinorUpgrade = 0x00000003
MinorWMI = 0x00000015
FlagUserDefined = 0x40000000
FlagPlanned = 0x80000000
End Enum
Major flags should be combined with minor flags. For more info on these combinations see:
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