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''' Flags that define appearance and behaviour of a standard message box displayed by a call to the MessageBox function.
''' </summary>
<Flags> _
Public Enum MessageBoxOptions As UInteger
OkOnly = &H000000
OkCancel = &H000001
AbortRetryIgnore = &H000002
YesNoCancel = &H000003
YesNo = &H000004
RetryCancel = &H000005
CancelTryContinue = &H000006
IconHand = &H000010
IconQuestion = &H000020
IconExclamation = &H000030
IconAsterisk = &H000040
UserIcon = &H000080
IconWarning = IconExclamation
IconError = IconHand
IconInformation = IconAsterisk
IconStop = IconHand
DefButton1 = &H000000
DefButton2 = &H000100
DefButton3 = &H000200
DefButton4 = &H000300
ApplicationModal = &H000000
SystemModal = &H001000
TaskModal = &H002000
Help = &H004000
NoFocus = &H008000
SetForeground = &H010000
DefaultDesktopOnly = &H020000
Topmost = &H040000
Right = &H080000
RTLReading = &H100000
End Enum
VB Definition:
Public Enum MessageBoxOptions
OkOnly As Long = &H000000
OkCancel As Long = &H000001
AbortRetryIgnore As Long = &H000002
YesNoCancel As Long = &H000003
YesNo As Long = &H000004
RetryCancel As Long = &H000005
CancelTryContinue As Long = &H000006
IconHand As Long = &H000010
IconQuestion As Long = &H000020
IconExclamation As Long = &H000030
IconAsterisk As Long = &H000040
UserIcon As Long = &H000080
IconWarning As Long = IconExclamation
IconError As Long = IconHand
IconInformation As Long = IconAsterisk
IconStop As Long = IconHand
DefButton1 As Long = &H000000
DefButton2 As Long = &H000100
DefButton3 As Long = &H000200
DefButton4 As Long = &H000300
ApplicationModal As Long = &H000000
SystemModal As Long = &H001000
TaskModal As Long = &H002000
Help As Long = &H004000
NoFocus As Long = &H008000
SetForeground As Long = &H010000
DefaultDesktopOnly As Long = &H020000
Topmost As Long = &H040000
Right As Long = &H080000
RTLReading As Long = &H100000
End Enum
MessageBoxOptions - Options for a messagebox
6/11/2012 7:51:01 AM - johnbell149@gmail.com-
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