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SHGFI_ICON = 0x000000100, // get icon
SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME = 0x000000200, // get display name
SHGFI_TYPENAME = 0x000000400, // get type name
SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES = 0x000000800, // get attributes
SHGFI_ICONLOCATION = 0x000001000, // get icon location
SHGFI_EXETYPE = 0x000002000, // return exe type
SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX = 0x000004000, // get system icon index
SHGFI_LINKOVERLAY = 0x000008000, // put a link overlay on icon
SHGFI_SELECTED = 0x000010000, // show icon in selected state
SHGFI_ATTR_SPECIFIED = 0x000020000, // get only specified attributes
SHGFI_LARGEICON = 0x000000000, // get large icon
SHGFI_SMALLICON = 0x000000001, // get small icon
SHGFI_OPENICON = 0x000000002, // get open icon
SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE = 0x000000004, // get shell size icon
SHGFI_PIDL = 0x000000008, // pszPath is a pidl
SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES = 0x000000010, // use passed dwFileAttribute
SHGFI_ADDOVERLAYS = 0x000000020, // apply the appropriate overlays
SHGFI_OVERLAYINDEX = 0x000000040, // Get the index of the overlay in
// the upper 8 bits of the iIcon
VB Definition:
Enum FileInfoFlags
End Enum
TODO - a short description
12/7/2018 9:37:01 PM - -
TODO - a short description
3/16/2007 7:42:04 AM - ajwittenberg@somaware.com-
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