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Window styles (Constants)
C# Constants:
public abstract class WindowStyles
public const uint WS_OVERLAPPED = 0x00000000;
public const uint WS_POPUP = 0x80000000;
public const uint WS_CHILD = 0x40000000;
public const uint WS_MINIMIZE = 0x20000000;
public const uint WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000;
public const uint WS_DISABLED = 0x08000000;
public const uint WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = 0x04000000;
public const uint WS_CLIPCHILDREN = 0x02000000;
public const uint WS_MAXIMIZE = 0x01000000;
public const uint WS_CAPTION = 0x00C00000; /* WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME */
public const uint WS_BORDER = 0x00800000;
public const uint WS_DLGFRAME = 0x00400000;
public const uint WS_VSCROLL = 0x00200000;
public const uint WS_HSCROLL = 0x00100000;
public const uint WS_SYSMENU = 0x00080000;
public const uint WS_THICKFRAME = 0x00040000;
public const uint WS_GROUP = 0x00020000;
public const uint WS_TABSTOP = 0x00010000;
public const uint WS_MINIMIZEBOX = 0x00020000;
public const uint WS_MAXIMIZEBOX = 0x00010000;
public const uint WS_TILED = WS_OVERLAPPED;
public const uint WS_ICONIC = WS_MINIMIZE;
public const uint WS_SIZEBOX = WS_THICKFRAME;
//#if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
public const uint WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT = 0x00100000; // Disable inheritence of mirroring by children
public const uint WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL = 0x00400000; // Right to left mirroring
//#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0500 */
You can change the styles of a System.Windows.Forms.Control - derived class at creation time by overriding the CreateParams property and changing the Style and ExStyle properties.
Like CreateWindow, but creates the window with an extended window style.
12/23/2022 5:31:17 AM -
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