Desktop Functions: Smart Device Functions:
C# Constants:
const uint ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS = 0x0ffffffff; VB Constants:
Public ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS As UInteger = UInteger.MaxValue ' constant representation workaround used Notes:Visual basic users: Not tested, and may not work. Since the bug in .NET 2005 VB not allowing a hexidecimal representation of &H0FFFFFFFF, I am not sure if it will work or not. In theory it should work unless there are other bugs I don't know about. I do not use VB, so if anyone finds out fix the article if there is a bug. DocumentationDerived from MSDN and WinBase.h original value was: ((DWORD)-1) which is the same numerically as above. AuthorContributed by [ ] [ ] - Please edit this page!Do you have...
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